Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

I want to wish everyone that visits here a Merry Christmas and I hope
that 2009 will be the best year EVER for all of us! I wish each of you
the very best in health, happiness and prosperity!

We were so fortunate to have all our family together this year and to
be able to celebrate Ava's 1st Christmas was a MAJOR LEAGUE treat!
God bless us - one and all....


Saturday, December 20, 2008

The Bayshore Patriots

I LOVE these people!!!

The "Bayshore Patriots" were formed in Tampa, Florida from an outpouring of support for our country following the tragic events of 9/11/01.

On Friday afternoons following 9/11/01, patriotic Americans joined together at Bay to Bay and Bayshore Boulevards to wave their flags in support of our country.

The group was named the "Bayshore Patriots" by local media as their Friday afternoon efforts were well received by the community as they drove home from work.

As the City of Tampa developed plans for the one-year anniversary of 9/11/01, an event was created which expanded upon the "Bayshore Patriot" concept, and invited and registered tens of thousands of Americans to join the Bayshore Patriots on Bayshore Boulevard with their flags in a solemn event … "Flags Along the Bayshore: Tampa Remembers 9/11". It was one of the largest remembrance events in the country on 9/11/02.

Tens of thousands of Americans have now joined the Bayshore Patriot legacy here in Tampa. What began as a small group has expanded to include thousands, and continues with Bayshore Patriots on Bayshore each and every Friday afternoon, waving their flags in support of our country, our constitution and all those who serve and protect.


Bayshore Patriots, Inc., is an advocacy organization whose sole purpose is to support the United States of America and promote patriotism in our community. And through its actions, events and programs, encourage support of our constitution and our country, its freedoms, its laws and those who uphold them.

The Bayshore Patriots, Inc. is not aligned with any political, religious or social advocacy group and will maintain its independence and identity in all its efforts.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


I'm not lost.....

A strange thing happened after my last post on the morning of
December 4th .... I went to my "day job" of the last 15-1/2 years
was told I was no longer needed by the company... It's happening
in BIG numbers all over these days, but that fact does not soften
the blow... It's a very strange feeling!
The INCREDIBLE response by customers, friends, family and even
competitors was overwhelming! Calls, emails abound with well
wishes and job suggestions. THANK YOU to ALL that encouraged
me and I truly appreciate you!

My experience has taught me MANY times that in sales and in life,
when you are turned back, your immediate thought should be NEXT!
So, I know that the sun rises every morning - I have gone and watched
the marvelous show our Creator puts on daily - I captured the image
below last year after another spectacular sunrise at the St. Petersburg
Yacht Club last year....

I'll wait for my next "SUNRISE" - knowing it is coming!

A real heart-felt thanks - again - to all of the phenomenal people in my life!


Thursday, December 04, 2008

Ava @ 7 months!!!!

We get new pictures every week and an occasional web cam
visit - we are always amazed at how fast she is growing and
how many new things she is doing! Ava is our 7 month old
granddaughter - she, Brook and Charlie will be here for Christmas
on the 17th to the 26th - WE CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!
Check out her 3 teeth!!!

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Dancin the night away!

Kristen and Jamie's wedding reception at the incredible Tampa Yacht Club....

These 2 thoroughly enjoyed the party!!!

Monday, December 01, 2008


The lovely Kristen from a wedding I shot on November 15th. Kristen
and Jamie were an absolutely gorgeous couple! It was a honor to be
part of their special day!!

Kristen was so proud of her green shoes....

It was great to work with Mark Moberg!
Very creative and a bundle of energy!