3:22 AM Thursday morn and here we are...
All's quiet, the pups are growing and Charlie will be home 1 week from tonight. While his Mom and I are so excited we can hardly contain ourselves, Charlie will be coming home with a heavy heart. JJ was deployed early and they will not even get to see each other. It just kills me when I can't help my kids - regardless of their ages. This has really crushed him. He has been knocked down before and always responded well - I'm sure he will march on. I DO feel his pain.
Mark Peppers and his wife, Charita are expecting their 1st child! Good people, I'm really excited for them. Little blessings here, heartbreaks all over - keep looking for the sunshine!
On we go!!!
Saturday, January 01, 2005
Jan 1 Harley, Lily, Jake and Buffy celebrate the New Year!
Hello 2005! I walked Harley at 5:30 this morning and the air was clean and crisp like no other time I can recall. There was no early motor sounds or dogs barking - none of the usual noise that accompany us on our journey. January 1 of this new year started off incredibly beautiful! I felt a peace and a lightness in my heart. My little buddy and I walked on through the early morning darkness both very happy in our little world - thank you Lord!
Walk Jake. Rendevouz with my lady Linda.... coffee and glow.... 19 more days til Charlie is home... yes - hello and welcome to 2005...